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Week beginning 8th July 2024

£2 challenge

The year 6 children are holding an event on Tuesday (in school time), in which they have organised activities and games for the rest of the children within school to take part in.  If you wish your children to enjoy this event, please send some money (in small change).  A maximum of £2.

Sports Day

This is taking place for Year 2 on Thursday morning.  Once you have dropped your child off for school, you can make your way round to the field and take a seat.  We are hoping it will start about 9.15am.

Your child needs to wear the colour t-shirt that matches their house colour (the children should know this).  If you do not have this colour t-shirt, please send them in a plain white t-shirt and a coloured band will be provided.

Non-uniform day

On Friday (12th July) we are holding a non-uniform day.  The children can come dressed in clothes of their choice.  In exchange for this, we are asking for a donation of chocolate - thank you.

Reading Books

We are collecting Little Wandle reading books in from the children over the next couple of weeks.  Please have a look at home to see if you have any of these books.  They are relatively new to school and as you will appreciate, they cost a lot of money, so please return them ASAP.  The children will continue to bring other books home to read.


Week beginning 1st July 2024

We can't quite believe that we are entering the last month with your children in Year 2!  It has been a great year full of lots of wonderful memories and it has been a pleasure to witness the children grow and mature.







PE Days

These continue to be on a Tuesday and Thursday.  Please ensure that your child comes in kit on these days.

Dates coming up

          Monday 8th July - Opening of the Dragonfly Theatre

On this day we are opening the revamped and newly named Dragonfly Ampi-theatre in memory of Mrs N Chambers, a teacher as KWs, who sadly passed away.

To mark this occasion, the children have decorated and dragon to be placed in this area and we are asking that the children come to school on this day dressed in bright coloured or leopard print clothing.

          Thursday 11th July - Sports Day

KS1 (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) will hold their sports' day in the morning.  We ask that your child wears a t-shirt in the colour of their house, along with the rest of their usual PE kit.  If you are unsure of their house colour please ask your child's teacher and they will be happy to tell you.  Please ensure that the children have a sunhat, hoodie and a drinks bottle.

          Friday 12th July - non-uniform Day

The children can come to school dressed in non-school uniform this day.  We ask in return that you provide a prize that can be used for the Summer Fair.  This can be something that can be a raffle prize or tombola prize.

          Wednesday 17th July - Summer Fayre

This will take place straight after school.  Please come along and support the school.

           Friday 26th July - Last Day of School

This is the final day of this academic year and your child's last day in Year 2.


Week beginning 17th June 2024

We hope the children are recovering after what has been a busy but fantastic week.  Those who went on the residential really appeared to enjoy it and were really good.  We hope they have filled you in on all the excitement.


The children will be tested on the following words on Monday 17th June:-







Your child will need to come in their PE kits on Tuesday and Thursday this week.

Class / Year group photo

This Wednesday (19th June) will be class photo/year group photo day. Please ensure that your child is wearing correct uniform that day. 


This week we will be doing some assessments with the children.  If they mention them at home please reassure them that these are nothing to worry about and just like things we have done before and worked towards in class.  Any issues, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Week beginning 3rd June 2024

We hope you all had a lovely half term break and that the children are ready for their last half term in Year 2.  Where has that time gone?!

Year 2 residential

Next week is our Year 2 residential.  The children will go for one night between 11th and 14th June.  You should have received an email before the half term holiday to inform you on which day your child is going.

If you have not already done so, can you please make sure you have returned a completed medical form and a chip shop order for your child.

Any other queries regarding the trip, please come and see one of us, or email Mrs Withers -


Your child will need to come in PE kit on a Tuesday and Thursday.  Please ensure that you continue to refer to the website as there may be additional days leading up to and including Sports Day.


Your child will be tested on the following words on Monday 10th June:-







Hopefully the weather will get warmer this half term.  Can you please ensure that all clothing is named, as children take off jumpers etc.. and it is much easier to return them if they are named.  Ensure that your child has a water bottle in school everyday and that they have a sunhat.  Your child may also need sun cream, please apply this before the start of the day.  If you child needs to top this up throughout the day, then ensure that they have their sun cream and it is named.  Children will not be able to share sun cream with others, due to allergies etc..


Any other questions or queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Many thanks

Year 2 team

Week beginning 13th May 2024

Year 2 residential

Thank you to all of you who have returned your slip in connection to the Year 2 residential.  If you would like your child to go, then please return the slip by Monday, as we need to begin to organise groups etc...


The following words will be tested on Monday 13th May:-






The following words will be tested on Monday 20th May:-






Warmer weather

Thankfully the weather is beginning to get a little warmer, long may this continue!

Please can you ensure that you send your child with a water bottle everyday.  It is important that they stay hydrated and we will ensure that they have plenty of opportunities to have a drink.

Can you also ensure that all clothing is named, particularly jumper, cardigans and PE jackets.  The children will take these off and leave them on the playground, field or lying around the classroom.  It is much easier to return them to their owner if they are named - thank you.

You may also want to send your child with a sunhat or cap.

Times Table Rockstars

The children will have all come home with log in details for Times Table Rockstars.  This is an online activity which we use throughout school to help the children learn their times tables.  The focus for Year 2 is 2,3, 5 and 10 times tables.  

Reading Track

Due to life in school being so busy, the Reading Track assembly has not yet taken place.  It is due to take place this Friday - 17th May.

Please ensure that you have totalled up all the books your child has read by Monday 13th May - thank you.


Week beginning 22nd April 2024


You should have received a list of the spellings the children will be tested on up until the summer.

They will be tested on the following words on Monday 29th April.







We will continue to do PE on a Thursday and Friday this half term, so please send your child in their PE kit on these days.

Year 2 Residential

You will have received a letter in connection to the Year 2 residential to Robin Hood Activity Centre.  It is a great trip and we are hoping that all the children will be able to attend.

Any questions, please email me at

Lost Property

With the weather getting a little nicer, the children are taking their coats/jumpers/hoodies off on the playground and in the classroom.  It is easy to return these if named.  However, not all are named and we are starting to get quite a collection of unclaimed items.  PLEASE NAME ALL CLOTHING.

Water Bottles

Again with the weather improving, it is important that the children have a water bottle in school.  They have plenty of opportunities throughout the day to have a drink.

Reading Track

We are planning on holding Reading Track Assembly on Wednesday 1st May.  Please ensure that your child's reading dairy is up to date by Monday 29th April.  Anything adding after this date will count towards the next reading track towards the end of the term. Thank you.


Week beginning 15th April 2024

We hope you all had a great Easter holiday.  The children have been telling us all about the exciting things they have been doing.  It has been lovely listening to them talk about this.


Children will be tested on the following spellings next Monday - 22nd April.







A reminder - the new PE days are Thursday and Friday, so please send your children into school on these days in their PE kit.

Year 2 Residential

The Year 2 residential will take place between 11th and 14th June.  The children will stay for one night during this time.

Please look out for the letter that will be sent home this week.  



Week beginning 25th March 2024


The children will only need to come to school on PE kit on Thursday this week, as on Tuesday we have the Easter bonnet parade.

After the Easter holidays, they will need to wear PE kit on a Thursday and a Friday.  The days change every half term depending on when it is our year groups time to have one of the two PE specialists that work with our school.


We have now come to the end of the spelling lists in the back of the home / school diary.  We will continue to do a spelling test with your child every week, but will begin to focus on spelling patterns that we have been looking at in class.

We will start these after Easter, with the first test being on Monday 15th April.  We will test the children on the following words:-






We will stick a copy of these words in your child's book, so that you are aware of the words being tested.

Please continue to look at the words at the back of the home / school dairy with your child, as these words are ones that they use regularly and are beneficial to spell.  You will be able to look back in their book to see which ones they may have struggled on and focus on these.

Easter Bonnet parade

This will be held on Tuesday 26th March at 2.30pm.  Please send your child in on this day with their bonnet.  Parents are invited to come and watch the parade, which weather permitting, will take place outside.  We will gather on the playground for any photographs, before proceeding through the KS2 block.  When the parade had finished your child will return to class, from which you may collect them.


We break up for the Easter holidays on Thursday 28th March (this is the last day on school).  Friday 29th March is Good Friday, so school is shut.

We return to school on Monday 16th April.

Have a lovely Easter.


Week beginning 4th March 2024


For the rest of the half term PE will be on a Tuesday and Thursday.  Please send your child in their PE kit on these days.


We will test the children on set 19 next Monday (11th March)






World Book Day

Please remember that it is World Book Day on Thursday 7th March.  We are looking forward to see the wonderful creations the children come to school dressed in!

March in March

Lots of the children have been telling us that they have continued to march during the weekends.  Please keep this up and thank you in advance for any money that you manage to raise.


This week we are doing some assessments with the children.  We are looking forward to seeing all their hard work being reflected in their success.  Please reassure your children these are nothing to worry about.  That they are used to inform us as the teachers, what areas of learning we need to cover or re-visit.  Thank you



Week beginning 26th February 2024


This continues to be on a Tuesday and Thursday, so please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kit.  Remember that this is black bottoms and top, plus a white t-shirt.


We will test the children on set 18 next Monday (4th March).






Dates for the future

Please remember that it is World Book Day on Thursday 7th March.  We are excited to see the wonderful creations the children will come to school dressed in!
Starting on Friday 1st March, this Friday, we are doing a March in March event.  The children will bring a letter home about this.  It is to raise money in memory of Mrs Nicky Chambers, a teacher a KWS who sadly passed away.  We are asking that the children get sponsored for taking part.  Any money raised will go towards renovating the KWS amphitheatre.  Mrs Chambers was passionate about drama and acting, so we feel this is a fitting cause.  Thank you in advance for your support.

Disco - sadly this has had to be cancelled for Wednesday 13th March.  We will inform you of the date that is has been rearranged for, as soon as a new date is organised.



Week beginning 19th February 2024

We hope you all had a lovely half term.


Children need to come in PE kit on a Tuesday and a Thursday.


The children can come to school on Friday 23rd February in non-uniform.  If you could please send in a donation for the Easter hamper in exchange for the children wearing non-uniform, it would be greatly appreciated.


The children have been asking about when we are going to burn the houses.  This will be done when the weather is suitable to do so.  It will have to be on a Wednesday or Thursday, as that is when we have sufficient staff to supervise.


The children will be tested on the following words on Monday 26th February.

Set 17






Date for the future

World Book Day

This is taking place on Thursday 7th March.  Your child can come dressed as a character from a book.

Also if your child would like to send in video presentation of their favourite book, they can do so and email their entry to by Monday 4th March.

School Disco

Wednesday 13th March.

Easter Bonnet Parade

Tuesday 26th March.




Friday 9th February 2024

We have had a busy week with the children, undertaking lots of activities and of course, we had the extra bonus of some snow! 

Pancake Day

Pancake day takes place next Tuesday when we are on half term holiday.  Therefore the children had an opportunity to have a pancake this week.  They loved choosing their topping and eating the pancakes.


Thank you so much for the effort you put in with your children to make the houses linked to our work on The Great Fire of London.  We were amazed by the outstanding houses brought in.  As predicted, we were unable to burn the houses yesterday, due to the weather.  We are looking forward to doing this the first week back after half term.

PE Days after half term

The children will need to come in PE kit on a Tuesday and Thursday.


We will not be testing he children on any spellings the first Monday back after half term.

Half Term

Have a lovely half term, lets hope the weather improves and we get some dry days.  

Please remember we return to school on Monday 19th February.


Week beginning 15th January 2024


PE - please remember that children need to come dressed in their PE kit on a Thursday and Friday.  They no longer need to wear it on a Tuesday.



Children will be tested on Set 14 on Monday 22nd January.

Set 14:-








We are currently going through the process of assessing the children with their reading.  This is a time consuming process as it involves listening to the children read individually, so please be patient, as it may take a while to get round to assessing your child.  Once they have been assessed, they may be able to choose a coloured book.  Some will no longer have a Little Wandle or phonics book at this point.


Can you please ensure that your child have their green Home/School diary in school everyday.

Can you also look to see if your child has any reading books at home that they are no longer reading or have had long time.  We are missing a few books.  Thank you.


Week beginning 8th January 2024

Happy New Year to you all!  We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year.  We can't wait for the children to tell us all about it.



We will not test the children on any spellings until Monday 15th January, where they will be tested on Set 13:-







PE Kit

The children will need to come to school in PE kit on a Tuesday and Friday.  Please remember to send your child in correct PE uniform and send a hoodie/sweatshirt, as if the weather is dry, some PE may take place outdoors.



Go Noodle and Christmas club finished before the Christmas holidays - please look out for letters informing you of any new clubs that may take place.




Week beginning 4th December 2023

Newstead Abbey

We had an amazing trip to Newstead Abbey to experience life as a Victorian child.  The children got a lot from the day and many commented on how much they had enjoyed the experience.  The children played parlour games in the grand hall, made smelly herb bags in the kitchen, had a chance to play with some Victorian toys and look at the nursery, as well as watch a Magic Lantern show.  Once again, comments were made about the excellent behaviour of our children, we are very proud!  Please look out for photos appearing on the school website ASAP.

Christmas Fayre

This is taking place on Wednesday 6th December after school.  Please try and stay for a little while, there are lots of exciting stalls on offer.


Year 2 are performing their Nativity on Thursday 7th December - 10am and 2pm in the community room.  Please ensure that you have sent in your reply slip for ticket requests.  

If your child was given a slip asking them to bring something in to wear for the Nativity, please can you send this in on Monday 4th December, in a named carrier bag.  Please ensure that the item you have sent is also named.

The children do not need to bring their reading books and diaries on this day.

Christmas Jumper Day

This is on Thursday 7th December - you child can come dress in Christmas clothing.  Please ensure that they have a warm coat, as they will go out for playtime and lunch as usual.

Go Noodle

There will not be any Go Noodle next Tuesday or the Tuesday after - 5th and 12th December.   If your child usually attends, they need to be collected at the end of the school day on these dates. We will have a final Christmas Go Noodle on Tuesday 19th December.

Christmas Party and Breakfast with Santa

You will have received a letter about these two events, please make sure that you have paid the money using Scopay.  Any problems, please come and see one of us and we will be happy to help.


Week beginning 20th November 2023

Spellings - the children will be tested on the following spellings on Monday:-

Set 8






PE - due to our Nativity performance being very close, there are some weeks we may only do one PE lesson, rather than two.  However, please continue to send you child in PE kit on Tuesday and Thursday.

E.M.U.S - we only have a couple of sessions left of our E.M.U.S programme.  The children have learnt lots during these sessions about keeping safe.

Parents' Evening

It is parents' evening for both 2W and 2CW, if you haven't yet booked an appointment, please send you letter in ASAP or see your child's class teacher.

Victorian Christmas at Newstead Abbey - we go on our trip next Wednesday - 29th November.  Any problem regarding this, please see one of us.

Go Noodle - this will continue to take place on a Tuesday after school.  Please note that on Tuesday 12th December, there will not be Go Noodle, as Mrs Withers is not in school.


Week beginning 6th November 2023

We hope that you all had a lovely half term and that the children are feeling revived for a busy half term.  We have lots of exiting things happening, so please ensure that you continue to look at the weekly news section and diary dates.

INSET Day - school is closed on Monday 6th November for children, they need to return on Tuesday 7th November.

PE - ours PE days have changed slightly this half term.  Children need to come to school in PE kit on a Tuesday and Thursday.  Please ensure that they have correct kit.

E.M.U.S - we will continue our weekly session on a Thursday afternoon.

Victorian Christmas - remember we have our trip to Newstead Abbey on Wednesday 29th November.  The children need to come dressed in appropriate Victorian costume (please look at the original letter for ideas).  

Go Noodle - if your child expressed an interest the Go Noodle club that is taking place after school on a Tuesday, you will have all received an email to say that all the children can come.  Remember your child needs to be collected from the main reception (office) at 4pm.



Week beginning 16th October 2023

Harvest Donations - if you would like to make a harvest donation e.g. tinned or packet food, then please send it in with your child by Thursday 19th Oct. am.  Thank you to those who have donated food already.

Non-uniform Day - Friday 20th October is non-uniform day.  In exchange for your child wearing non uniform, we ask that you make a donation towards the Christmas hamper.  The colour for Year 2 is green.

INSET Day - please remember INSET Day is Monday 6th November, therefore school reopens for the children after half term on Tuesday 7th November.

Forest football - this Friday (20th Oct.) is the last Forest football for the children in 2CW.

Victorian Christmas - if you have not paid for the trip to Newstead Abbey and returned the packed lunch slip, please do so as soon as possible.

Half Term - please remember we break up this Friday (20th Oct) for half term.  We hope you all have a lovely two weeks and we will see you all on Tuesday 7th November.

Spellings - please learn Set 7 with your children.  They will be tested in the return to school after half term.

The words are:-







Week beginning 9th October 2023

Choir - your child will have come home with a letter about KS1 choir that Mrs Stimpson is running after half term.  If they are interested in taking part, please return the slip.

Go Noodle Club - your child will bring home a letter about a Go Noodle club that Mrs Withers will be running on a Tuesday night straight after school.  If you would like your child to attend, please return the reply slip.  the club will start after half term.

Trip to Newstead Abbey - Victorian Christmas - your child will also be bringing home a letter about a Year 2 trip.  Please pay for this via Scopay and return the reply slip indicating whether you will provide your child with a packed lunch or you wish school to.

Halloween Disco - remember this is taking place next Wednesday (11th October).  If you wish your child to attend, you will have paid.  Your child can dress up for the occasion if they wish.

Flu Vaccinations - a reminder that this will take place next Tuesday (10th October).  If parental consent has been given, then they will have the vaccination on this day.

PE - this remains to be on a Tuesday and Friday.

E.M.U.S - this continues to be every Thursday.

Spellings - please look at learning Set 6 with your child.






Nativity date - it has been brought to our attention that the date for the Year 2 Nativity is different on our year group page and the main school calendar.  The correct date is Thursday 7th December.


Week beginning 2nd October 2023


The children will need to continue wearing PE kit on a Tuesday and Friday.  Please ensure they are in correct PE uniform - plain black with a white t-shirt and suitable outdoor footwear.

Modern Foreign Language Day

On Wednesday (4th Oct), we are having a French day - we are asking that your child comes dressed in red, white and blue.  Please do not go and buy anything special, just wear something close to these colours.


Our E.M.U.S. course continues this week, the children have been working hard in these sessions, learning lots about keeping safe.

Friday Football Club

2W (Miss Ward's class) have now completed their 3 weeks at the after school football club with Mai, our Nottingham Forest coach.  

It is now the turn of 2CW (Mrs Withers and Miss Chapman's class).  If you filled in a consent form for your child, they will start this Friday, for the next 3 weeks.  An email will be sent to remind you, so please look out for it.


Please look at Set 5 with your children - they will be tested on these words next Monday.

Important dates

Please keep looking at the dairy dates page on our Year 2 page, this is updated regularly.  


Week beginning 25th September 2023


PE remains to be on a Tuesday and Friday.  Please ensure that you have named all your child's kit, some has already been lost.


The children will continue to have their E.M.U.S lesson on Thursday.  They are learning lots of useful life skills.


Please learn Set 4 in the back of the home/school diary.  We can see that the children have been working hard on learning these, thank you.


You should have received an email about how reading books will operate in Year 2.  Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

Year 2 Nativity

The date for the Year 2 nativity has been set for Thursday 7th December.  The children will perform twice - 10am and 2pm.

Halloween Disco

Please remember to pay for your child if you would like them to attend.  If they would like to wear a Halloween costume for the disco, they may do so.


Week beginning 18th September 2023


PE remains to be in a Tuesday and Friday, so please ensure your child comes in full PE kit.


Thursday will be our second session of E.M.U.S.  The children all had a great first session learning all about why we need rules.


Please look at Set 3 in the back of your child's home/school diary.  The test will take place on Monday 25th September.

Art Shirt

If you have sent an old shirt in for your child to wear during art and craft activities, thank you.  We do have some spares, so if you are struggling to find one, that is fine.  You can still send shirts in and we will store them in school for when they are needed.


Week beginning 11th September 2023


Children need to come in their PE kit every Tuesday and Friday from now until half term.  Nottingham Forest will be leading the lesson on a Friday with the support of Miss Chapman or Miss Ward.  We are very excited for this, as it is the first year they have come to KWS.


Our first session will take place on Thursday 14th September.  Please ensure that you have filled in the reply slip and sent it back.

This is a ten week programme.

Year 2 Football Club

A letter has come home to ask if your child is interested in taking part in the Year 2 football club that is going to be run by Mai Moncaster our Nottingham Forest coach.  

Due to high demand, we have split the 6 week programme into 3 sessions.  The first 3 Fridays will be class 2W (Miss Ward) and the last 3 Fridays 2CW (Mrs Withers and Miss Chapman).  A letter has been sent home with you child explaining all the details.


Please work with your children to learn the set 2 spellings in the back of their home/school diary.  They will be tested on Monday 18th September.


Week beginning 5th September 2023

Welcome everyone to Year 2!

We are looking forward to meeting all the children and working with them this academic year.


Children will need to come in their PE on Friday 8th September.

(Please note in future weeks, they need to wear it Tuesday and Friday).


Your child should have come home with a new Home/School Diary for this academic year.  In the back of the diaries, are the spellings that we would like your child to learn every week.  This week, please look at Set 1, this consists of the following words:-

* Monday

* Tuesday

* Wednesday

* Thursday

* Friday

Art Shirt

You should have received an email asking for your child to bring in an old, oversized shirt for them to wear over their uniform when we are doing art and craft activities.  If you are not able to provide one, please do not worry as we will have some spares.

Meet the Teacher Drop-in

On Wednesday 13th September, we will be holding an informal parent drop-in after school until 4.30pm.  This is an opportunity for you to see you child's classroom and meet their teacher.  (Please note this is not a parents' evening, this will be held later in the term).

E.M.U.S (Education Making Us Safe)

Your child will have brought a letter home about a ten week course that is starting next Thursday (14th September).  Please read the letter and information sheet carefully and send back the reply form as soon as possible.  Thank you.



