Curriculum Overview
The Science Curriculum at Kirkby Woodhouse School follows the units of teaching as set out in the National Curriculum. The Science Toolkit further breaks down the knowledge, skills and vocbulary expectations to support teaching and learning in science.
At Kirkby Woodhouse School the science curriculum will provide a high quality science education that provokes awe and wonder in pupils who then make connections between the world around them and a range of scientific phenomenon. We will enhance learning experiences by provision of observational and practical learning opportunities with strong cross-curriculum links, and a focus on oracy in science through questioning and the process of scientific enquiry. Our curriculum will be enriched by curriculum visits and our residential programme where awe and wonder of the world around the pupils is a fundamental part of the residential experience. Finally, through our science curriculum our children will become people who understand, thrive and care for the world around them with a curiosity, and a desire to question what they see and find solutions where appropriate.
The Science Teacher Toolkit sets out the Knowledge and Skills progression for each topic in each year group.
We use a combination of formal testing once a year, and exemplification documents to assess our Science Curriculum.
At Kirkby Woodhouse, children are judged to be at the expected standard through a combination of:
- Pupil Voice
- Work Scrutiny
- End of Unit Quizzes
- PLAN exemplification documents
- End of Year summative assessments.
What do pupils say?
(Samples taken from Pupil Voice Monitoring)