Welcome to the Governors' section of our website.
We are very grateful to all our governors for volunteering to take on this most important role. Their involvement in school life is invaluable. Our Governors are busy people with their own jobs and personal commitments, but they give so much of their time to their Governor role and they are all passionate and committed to life at KWS.
Please find below details of the following:
* How our Governing Body is structured, including the names,
categories and terms of appointment for each Governor.
* Business and Relationships Interests.
* Governor link roles to various aspects of our school and school
* Attendance register for Governing Body meeting for 2021 - 2022.
* An outline of the role of a KWS Governor.
The KWS Governing Body meet formally twice a term. In addition to this, they attend termly meetings with their link teacher where they discuss aspects of school life and school development. They also, where possible, attend school events.
As and when there are any vacancies for a KWS Governor, we will let all parents/carers know via letter/email and the information will also be uploaded to this page of the KWS website. We currently have our full quota of Governors and a full Governing Body.
If you would like to contact any of our Governors, this is done via the School Office.
If you feel the need to make a formal complaint, this needs to be done through the correct process by following the Aspire Complaints Policy. This policy can be found under 'Key Information' - 'Aspire MAT Policies'.
Information relating to the Aspire MAT Board and Trust Members are detailed on the Aspire MAT Website - see link below.
Governor | F&GP, SDC, P&P A joint committee attended by all governors | Type | Term of Office | Link Role | Register of Business/Relationship Interests | Governor in other Establishments | Appointed by (in accordance with the governing body’s instrument of government) |
Ruth Maddison | Chair of Governors | Co-opted Governor | 01.01.23 to TBC | Assessment Safeguarding/Prevent Single-Central Record | No | No | Governing Body |
Christopher Bramall | Vice Chair | Co-opted Governor | 03.10.22 to 02.10.26 | Health and Safety Premises Governor Training | Yes – child attends the school | No | Governing Body |
Vivienne Davidson | -------- | Staff Governor | 09.11.21 to 08.11.25 | N/A | No | No | Elected by Staff |
Claire Greasby | School Business Manager | Associate Governor (No Vote) | 31.08.21 to present | N/A | No | No | Ex Officio by virtue of office as School Business Manager |
Mark Hanretty | -------- | Parent Governor | 24.06.21 to 23.06.25 | EYFS | Yes – children attend the school | No | Elected by parents |
Rachel Jones | Head Teacher | Head Teacher | 23.04.19 to present | N/A | Yes – school uses family business | No | Ex Officio by virtue of office as Head Teacher |
Claire Rickett |
| Co-opted Governor | 09.11.21 to 08.11.25 | Finance/Budget/Assets SEND, PP, CLA | Yes – child attends the school | No | Governing Body |
Thomas Jones | -------- | Co-opted Governor | 01.01.23 to 31.12.26 | Admissions Behaviour GDPR | No | No | Governing Body |
Christopher Knowles | -------- | Parent Governor | 15.12.22 to 14.12.26 | English and Phonics | Yes – child attends the school | No | Elected by Parents |
Ryan Carty | -------- | Parent Governor | 15.12.22 to 14.12.26 | Maths Curriculum (Foundation Subjects) | Yes – child attends the school | No | Elected by Parents |
Governor Link Role - In addition to the link roles listed above, all governors also cover our 'Community and Ethos' link role. This ties in with when they visit school, attend events in school, do 'walk arounds' etc. They will write a report based on their experience and observations.