Beyond Year 1 - The Rapid Catch-Up Programme
Any children from Year One to Year 6 that are reading below their age group expectation will be assessed to see if they still have gap in their phonic knowledge. If a child is working below age expectations are found to have gap in their phonological knowledge, they will be entered into our Little Wandle Rapid Catch-Up Programme.
Assessment indicates which Phase a child needs to begin the programme.
All children on the Rapid Catch-Up Programme will work in small groups three times a week to take part in three phonics sessions alongside three reading practice sessions.
As in KS1, these reading books are closely matched to their individual phonics level. Children working within Years 5 and 6 will read using our 7+ books. These books are written to support each of the phonics phases but appeal to older children. A book is read three times at school before it is sent home.
Reading Session One
Children will concentrate on ‘decoding’ the text. They will be helped to ensure that they can sound out and blend each of the words in the text. They will look at any new vocabulary in the book to ensure they understand what new words mean.
Reading Session Two
Children will concentrate on ‘Prosody’. This is when children look at punctuation and learn to read with expression. Making the read more interesting to the listener. They will look for examples of new vocabulary and its meaning within the text.
Reading Session Three
Children will concentrate on ‘comprehension’, answering questions about the text.
After the three sessions the book will come home for a celebration read. This book has been carefully matched to your child's current reading level. If your child is reading it with little help, please don't worry that it's too easy - your child needs to develop fluency and confidence in reading.
Class teachers may wish to send home, if it is felt appropriate for individual children, different spelling words to children that are following the Rapid Catch-Up Programme. These words are a mixture of the 'tricky words' your child has been learning in the Rapid Catch-Up group, along with words containing that week's focus phonemes.
During whole class sessions children will still carry out spelling lessons with the whole class year group spellings but they will only be tested on their 'individual words' if these have been given.