Home Page


'It's never boring here!' - This is a key part to our KWS motto.  There is always something happening, both in and out of the classroom; always something for our children to get stuck into; opportunities and experiences for our children to learn, grow, develop and flourish academically and personally.  That is why the attendance and punctuality of our children is so important.  We don't want them to miss out!


We monitor attendance on a day-to-day, weekly, half termly and annual basis.  

Understandably there are times when our children are poorly or they have medical appointments and we do make allowances for this.


Sometimes, families can find attendance tricky, and as always, we will help and support families where this is the case.  Our door is always open for parents/carers to come and have a chat with us. 


The national average target for primary school attendance is 96%.  Therefore, our Governing Body has set the school target to be 96%.


The Aspire MAT Attendance Policy sets out the MAT's procedures regarding the importance of attendance.  Our specific KWS attendance procedures are within the Aspire Attendance Policy and explain how attendance works at KWS - how it is monitored and how it is rewarded.  The policy can be found below.


