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Weekly News

We will update our weekly news each Monday...

Monday 22nd July

This is the last weekly news – where has the year gone?

This week…


*Please send your child in with a ‘bag for life’.  A normal plastic carrier bag will not hold the weight of all their work.  This will come home later in the week. 

*Children will still need to come in their P.E. kits.  

*School reports will be emailed at 4pm today.

*Please put the total number of books read in their reading diary.


*We will collect in all reading books and library books today.  Please ensure all are returned.

*Reading track assembly.


*The children will still have P.E. with Mr Halfpenny so please wear P.E. kit as normal.


*The children may bring in a toy that is not expensive, does not need electricity to work and is one that children are prepared to share with their friends.  Please ensure that it has their name on it.  They will have the opportunity to play with these during the morning as they will have their end of year assembly during the afternoon.


You will have received an email from Mrs. Jones towards the end of last week explaining about the additional inset days at the start of September. This is due to the extensive work being carried out over the summer.


The Year One Team





Monday 15th July

We can hardly believe there are only 2 weeks left of this school year and as always, they are busy.


Wednesday 17th July – Meet the teacher

Wednesday 17th July – Summer Fair straight after school. Please bring small change.

Thursday 18th July – Rescheduled sports day. Key Stage 1 is in the morning and parents are welcome to come and support. Children may wear a top that matches their house colour.

Monday 22nd July – School reports are sent via email.

Monday 22nd July – Please send your child in with a ‘bag for life’ to send all their schoolwork home in.  A normal plastic bag will not take the weight of all their work. Please do not send this in before as it will get lost! 


This week the children will be writing up their own riddles in literacy and will continue their work on time in maths. We are carrying out phonic assessments this week so there will be no homework letter sent on Friday.


This will be the final week we send home a reading book. Please take some time to ensure any outstanding reading or library books are returned to school.


Have a great week!

The Year One Team.


Monday 8th July

This week we are creating our own riddles in English and looking at time in our Maths lessons. We got a chance to visit our new Dragonfly Theatre today and the gates will be open from 3pm for you to come and enjoy the area and see the fabulous artwork our children have created.


Upcoming dates for your diary:

Tuesday 9th - Yr 6 £2 Challenge. 

Children are invited to take part in the games, and buy items made by our Year 6 children. Your child can bring £1-£2 in small change if they wish to take part.

Thursday 11th - KS1 Sports Day

Please come and join us for the morning to watch the KS1 children take part in their different events. Children need to wear their normal PE kit with a t-shirt in their House colour if possible.

Friday 12th - Non uniform Day

In exchange for a chocolate donation for the Summer Fayre.

Monday 15th July - Tug of War / House Competitions

Children need to wear their normal PE kit with a t-shirt in their House colour if possible.

Wednesday 17th - KWS Summer Fayre

Please join us after school for our annual fayre. Featuring games, tombolas, face painting and our KWS 'Bake Off' competition.


Have a lovely week,

Year One

Monday 1st July

This week we are looking at money during our numeracy sessions and continuing our work on riddles during Literacy.  We are also finishing our clay and artwork on the artist Yayoi Kusama.


Just a reminder of some dates coming up:


Monday 8th July - Wear leopard print or bright colours. We will still be having P.E. on this day so please wear appropriate footwear. 


Tuesday 9th July - Year 6 £2 challenge.  Children are welcome to bring in some small change to have a go on the Year 6 games and activities. 


Thursday 11th July - KS1 sports day during the morning.  


Friday 12th July - Non uniform day in exchange for a chocolate item.


Tomorrow is the last day to place an order of personalised tea towels.


Have a great week!  


Monday 17th June 2024



We were so proud of how well the children approached their phonics assessments last week.  The results will be in their end of year reports. There wasn’t a homework sheet or spellings set last week due to no new sounds being taught as phonic sessions were based on recapping. Normal phonic sessions resume this week.

This week is our assessment week for the end of term and the children will be completing different activities within their numeracy and literacy sessions.


On Wednesday we will be having our class photographs so please ensure children are in full school uniform.


The webpage continues to be updated with photographs from the trips so please have a look!

Have a great week!


The Year One Team.


Monday 10th June 2024


We cannot begin to tell you how proud we are of all the children who stayed over for their first school residential - they were all so excited and had the best time. Lots of pictures will be added over the week to the photo section of our year group webpage.


This week the children are writing a recount about their visit and looking at dictation. In numeracy, we are continuing to look at movement. 

This week the children will all take their phonics assessment. This is carried out by Mrs Stimpson and the results will be in their school report. 

Next Wednesday 19th June is the class photograph. Full school uniform is to be worn please.


Have a great week! 


White Post Farm update:


The children have arrived safely and currently running around having fun inside one of the play barns. Their beds are all set up ready for bedtime.  See you tomorrow! 

Tuesday 4th June


Welcome back! We cannot believe it is the last half term of Year One and it is jam packed with lots of fun things.  We have uploaded this half terms newsletter just below and will send hard copies home tomorrow.


P.E. commences on Thursday this week with Mr Halfpenny. 


White Post Farm is on Thursday evening.  Please do not forget to give your child their evening meal and have them back at school for 5pm. 


This week in numeracy we will be looking at position and movement and in literacy we will be carrying out additional sessions on our phonics and reading words in preparation for the phonics assessments next week. 


A homework sheet with different decodable and alien words will be sent home this week to help you practise with your child in preparation for next week. There will be no reading books sent home this week.  


Please can we remind parents that guided reading books must be returned on a Monday. This is really important as other classes need them for their groups.  Can we also remind parents to check the snacks / packed lunches they are sending into school do not contain any nuts. 


Have a great week!

The Year One Team.

Monday 20th May 

White Post Farm

Thank you for coming to the White Post Farm meeting last week. Everybody should now have a copy of the medical consent form. Please can you ensure this is completed and returned by Friday 24th May. If you have any concerns, worries or things that you think we need to know, please get in contact with your class teacher.


Fruit Salad

Thank you to everyone who has donated a fruit.  We look forward to welcoming you on Wednesday at 2:45pm to try your child's fruit salad.  Please can we ask that only one adult per child comes due to the size of the classroom.  If you come to the top green gate we will open this for you.


This Week

The children will continue their work on fractions (1/2 and 1/4 of a shape and quantity.) 

They will be looking at adding 's' and 'es' to the end of words in literacy. 

The children will be completing their fruit salad designs and evaluating them in their design and technology lesson and finally will have their last music lesson performing 'Hot Cross Buns' on the recorder.


We break up for half term on Friday 24th May and due to the inset day on Monday 3rd June school reopen on Tuesday 4th June.


Have a safe and lovely half term and thank you for your continued support.


Monday 13th May 

The children had an incredible trip last week to The Old Barn at Field Farm. Helen provided a delightful experience, deepening their understanding of plant growth and reinforcing their prior knowledge in this area. She also sent us an email filled with wonderful remarks about the children - "Of course you can book for next year! You were one of my favourite visits! And I don't say that to everyone! I genuinely admired your ethos. The children had fun yet knew their boundaries, making them some of the most well-behaved and pleasant children I've ever hosted! It was truly refreshing and wonderful!"




We will be finishing off our plants topic next week designing a fruit salad for you to come in and taste.  We have kindly had a donation from Morrisons of a voucher to purchase some of the ingredients but are asking for your support to donate some fruit.  Please sign up to the posters on the wall outside the classroom and send in the fruit on Monday 20th May – not before please. There is a poster for each class. The children will initially be tasting the fruit then will use the remaining in their fruit salad.



By Friday 17th May any remaining balance for the White Post Farm residential should be paid.

On Wednesday 15th May, we will hold our parents meeting at 2:45pm. Due to SATS we will confirm where the meeting is taking place via a text message on the day. Children will be kept in the classroom with staff members whilst we speak with you and then they can be collected as normal.



This is now being postponed for the event in July when the amphitheatre will be opened in memory of Mrs Chambers. More information to follow. Normal P.E. kit to be worn on Friday.



As the hot weather may (or may not) be staying please ensure that all children have a hat to wear.  Staff will not administer sun cream and it is advised that it is applied before school or brought in their bag for the children to apply themselves if you are happy for this. 



We are having a few children arriving late.  Some after the register has been taken.  Please ensure you go via the office if you are late to get your child’s mark and place their lunch order.

All reading books must be returned on a Monday morning.  We cannot extend the times books are held as other classes use them for their guided reading sessions.  In addition, books will not be sent to read if school diaries are not in school on a Thursday.


Have a great week! 


Monday 29th April

The children were introduced to recorders during their music lesson last week, with the aim of being able to play 'Hot Cross Buns' by the end of the term. They were all very excited! 


We also sent a letter home on Friday with more information on the class trips to 'The Old Barn at Field Farm' taking place next week. 


In maths the children have been counting in twos, fives and tens and are  doing very well. There are lots of songs on You Tube to help them practise - one of the class favourites is Kids Educational / Learning Videos I Scratch Garden

We will move on to doubling this week.


In Literacy we are looking at adding 'ing' to words this week. We will also continue to observe our beans to see how well they are growing.


Just a reminder that Monday 6th May is a bank holiday so enjoy the three day weekend coming up!


The Year One Team.  




Monday 22nd April

We hope the children enjoyed the trip to the library last week - they were all so well behaved.  Thank you for bearing with us whilst this was rearranged.


This week the children will be focussing on adding the suffix 'ed' to words in their Literacy sessions and working on their 5 times table in maths. In Science, the children started recording their broad bean diaries and are busy watching the seeds grow in the plastic cups hanging from the windows. 


The weather is still unpredictable so please ensure they come with a warm coat each day.


Have a great week.


Monday 15th April


Welcome back to the Summer term, it has been lovely to hear about all the different adventures the children have had over the holidays. Our new topic is 'Food, Glorious Food'. More information about this half term and up coming dates can be found on our newsletter that has been sent home today.


Our library visit has been rearranged for tomorrow for 1H and Wednesday for 1Hi - please send your child in with their library card if they have one and they will be able to choose a book to bring home.


If your child took part in our recent 'March in March' challenge can you please send in any sponsorship money raised. We thank you for your support with our fundraising event. 


PE will be on Mondays and Fridays this half term - please ensure your child removes earrings before the session or if they can't be removed that you tape them.


Have a lovely week - The Year One Team




Monday 25th March

Welcome to the last week of the Spring term.  We were all disappointed we couldn't go ahead with the library trip last week because of a broken minibus.  However, we have contacted the library to rearrange this for next half term and are just waiting to hear back from them.  We will keep you updated! 


It was lovely to meet with you all last week at parent's evening and we hope you enjoyed looking through their work.  As mentioned to some, if you have any questions or worries please don't leave it until a parents meeting, feel free to email us to discuss it or catch us after school.


On Tuesday of this week, it is the Easter bonnet parade.  Children have been asked to make their bonnet/hat at home and bring it on Tuesday morning, ensuring it has their name on.  The parade commences at 2:30pm on the playground and the gates will be opened slightly before then.  Classes will all stop for photo opportunities. 


This week, we will still have P.E. on Thursday even though it is the last day of term and children will still need to bring a bag to school. Their will be no homework sheet sent this week and the spelling test sent home on Friday 22.03.24 will be tested on Friday 19th April.  We would still welcome and share any Flat Stanley replies if they arrive over the Easter break. 


When we return our P.E. days will be on a Monday and a Friday.


Have a wonderful Easter break and see you all on Monday  15th April.


Monday 18th March

On Tuesday of this week (19th March) we are visiting Kirkby library.  Please ensure all the children have a library card and hand it in to us.  We cannot check book bags for these due to time, so please ensure they know where it is  on Tuesday morning to hand in. If we don't have a library card for them, they will unfortunately not be able to take out a book.


We fully appreciate that not all children will like everything that is on the school menu and even when it is something you think they will like, it isn't always the same taste as it would be when cooked at home. For example, the gravy will taste different to a home made one etc.  Unfortunately, this is not something as class teachers that we can control and although in Year One the dinners are free, we can only advise that if your child doesn't like something on the menu for that day, that they bring a packed lunch instead. We are lucky and are one of few schools that still allows flexibility of meal choices over the week.  


We are looking forward to speaking with you this week at parent's evening.  If you have a child in Mrs. Hounslow's class, all the children's books will be on the tables and the meetings will take place in the back room of her classroom.  Please do not enter the classroom through the normal white doors that the children would enter and exit from each day.  The books for children in Mrs. Hinchley's class will be out in the main corridor for you to look at, as her meetings will take place in her classroom. Again, please do not enter through the normal white doors.  


Just a reminder that next Tuesday 26th March, we will host our annual Easter bonnet parade. Please remember this is something that is made at home and will not be made at school.  Raffle tickets are still available to buy to win an Easter hamper. 


Have a great week! 



Monday 11th March

Wow! Can we just say a big thank you to you and family/friends for all the support we are having with the Flat Stanley topic.  We are starting to receive some wonderful letters and emails which we will be sharing with the children as and when they arrive.


The children looked great in their World Book Day costumes last week. This Friday it is Red Nose Day. Children are invited to come into school in non-uniform, in exchange for a £1 donation.


Next week (Tuesday 19th) we will be having our class visits to Kirkby-in-Ashfield’s Library.  Mrs. Hounslow’s class will be going in the morning and Mrs Hinchley’s in the afternoon. We will be using school transport and will not need any parent helpers as this is covered with school staff.  If children have a library card and would like to take out a book, please bring it with them and hand into a member of staff on the Tuesday morning, not before.  If your child is not registered with the library, please come and ask us for a membership form beforehand and we can take the completed one with us on the 19th.


Please can we remind parents that the £10 deposit for the White Post Farm trip is due before we break up for Easter.  The remaining payment is due by Friday 17th May.


We will be contacting parents with their confirmed times for Parent’s Evening’s this week.


Tickets are now on sale for the Easter hampers. There are over 40 prizes to be won. If you would like more tickets, please see the school office.


Can we just remind parents that we are unable to come out and speak with you once children have entered the classroom and registration has started. You can leave a message with the school office, email us or we can call you during break time.


Have a great week!


Monday 4th March

The weeks just seem to by flying past us! This week is another busy week.

Thursday - World Book Day. The children are welcome to come dressed up as a book character.  Please refer to the letter sent home before half term from the office.  Year One, will still be doing P.E. so please ensure that they are wearing trainers or bring some to change into.  If they need to change into their P.E. kit due to their costume choice, then please send this in their school bag. 


Friday - We will be having an additional P.E. lesson this week due to England football promoting a 'Let girls play' day to encourage more girls to take part in football.  Miss Moncaster, who plays for the Forest Women's team, is taking all the KWS girls for a football lesson at different times on Friday.  The boys will have a separate P.E. lesson that day.  


Can we please remind all those with piercings to remove them for lessons or provide plasters/tape to cover them up.


A sponsor form and covering letter come out last week regarding a 'march in March' that the school are taking part in to raise money to improve the amphitheatre in memory of Mrs. Chambers.   All the Flat Stanley letters were sent home last week, we hope the children enjoyed popping them in the post box and we look forward to the replies! We popped a covering letter in with the children's letters so the recipient knows what we would like them to do. 


Parent's Evening letters will be sent out this week.


Have a great week! 


Monday 26th February

Thank you for all the kind Easter donations last Friday.   A poster has gone out today regarding all things 'Easter.'


The letter regarding World Book Day was also sent out before February half term.  If you have not received this, please can we ask that you check your spam folder or go and speak to the ladies in the office to ensure they have the correct email address for you.  


Over the next couple of weeks, the children are looking at the story 'The Way back Home' by Oliver Jeffers.  We are going to be using this story within our Design and Technology work looking at levers and mechanisms. 

In Numeracy, we are going to be starting to look at numbers up to 50.


Your child will also come back with their letters to be sent for the Flat Stanley work.  We have included a cover letter with the child's letter explaining about what we would love them to write back with - we are looking forward to the replies to share with the classes. 


Have a great week.


Monday 19th February

Welcome back, we hope you had a lovely week off.


This week your child will come home with the spring newsletter letting you know what is happening in their learning and any important dates for this half term. Within it, you will see that P.E. will take place on a Monday and Thursday for this half term, starting today.


This week we will be looking at the story Flat Stanley as it fits in nicely with our Geography topic.  On Monday 26th February please can the children bring in an envelope with correct postage on, and addressed clearly to a family or friend who lives somewhere other than Kirkby -in- Ashfield! The children will be writing their friend / relative a letter, in school, and sending a little Flat Stanley too. They could live in Norfolk, Norway or New York – anywhere that is different to here! As part of our geography, we will be looking at the UK map and a world map to identify where Flat Stanley will travel to and compare human and physical features. Later on next week they will be coming home with their letter. Please can they post it? We look forward to receiving any replies and sharing them with the class.


On Friday 23rd February, we are having a non-uniform day in exchange for an Easter treat, gift, craft to put in the Easter hampers.

Your children will have been assessed within their phonics again and may come home with a different reading book. If you have had sounds sent home previously, please could we ask that you continue to work on these with your children as the extra support really will help them.


Have a great week!


Monday 5th February

The children had great fun producing their hand puppets in our Design and Technology lessons last week and those that choose sewing demonstrated great perseverance. 


This week we are looking at the story Silly Billy by Anthony Browne.  In numeracy we are continuing with our work on numbers to 20 and looking at number bonds.

We will end this week with a treat on Friday afternoon - pancakes! But shhhh... please don't tell the children as we would like it to be a surprise for all their hard work this half term.


We break up for school on Friday at 3:15pm and return on Monday 19th February. 


Monday 29th January

This week the children will continue their work on the story 'The Naughty Bus,' which will be collated into a class story.  In numeracy we are continuing to work on numbers within 20.


Can we remind parents that children should return their reading book on a Monday so that it can be returned for other children in the Key Stage to use for the week.   Library books are changed on a Friday.


Thank you to those who have returned the White Post Farm slip. 


Have a great week. 


Monday 22nd January

This week the children will start to be streamed for their phonic sessions.  This is based on their last phonic assessment, and it may result in your child coming home with a reading book they have previously read as these are linked to the phase they are working on. It maybe that your child can read the sounds but are not applying the sounds when reading them within words.  The homework sheet that they receive on a Friday may also be different to others in the class as we differentiate these accordingly.  Some children will be sent home this week with the set of sounds and tricky words that they are working on so that you can also support them at home.  Please show and work on them with  your child regularly. 


Children are still coming into school in the incorrect P.E. kit.  From today, if children attend school in the incorrect kit, they will be changed using the spare kits school have and names will be given to Mrs. Jones who is monitoring this.  Football shirts of any colour and branded clothing do not form part of the school uniform.


This week we will continue working with numbers up to 20 and looking at capital letters. We will also   send home the letter regarding our White Post Farm residential.

Have a great week!


Monday 15th January

What great fun we all had at Mansfield Museum last week.  We would like to say a huge thank you again to all the parent helpers who came with us last week.  The sessions at the museum really helped introduce our 'toy topic' for this half term. 


Our P.E. sessions recommenced with Miss Moncaster and all the children are really pleased to work with her again.  Please remember that P.E. kit is white and black and no other colour.  Football shirts and branded clothing do not form part of our school uniform.  Earrings must also be removed. 


Well done to all those children who received certificates from the Reading Track Assembly last Friday - there were so many which is pleasing to see.


During maths sessions this half term we are focusing on working with numbers up to 20.  


Have a great week everyone. 


Monday 8th January


Happy New Year! We hope you all had a fantastic Christmas. It has been lovely welcoming the children back today and hearing all about their holidays.


This week we start our topic on 'Toys' with a trip to Mansfield Museum on Wednesday. The children need to come in their school uniform as usual with their water bottle and bring a packed lunch, unless one has been ordered from school. We will be back before the end of the day so please collect as normal.


PE this half term will be on Mondays and Fridays as we start sessions with Miss Moncaster.  


Also on Friday we will be holding our Reading Track Assembly - please can you add up your child's total so far and log them in the book by Wednesday so we can issue them with the correct certificates.


Please look out for this half term's newsletter with more information about the topics we are covering.


Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.

Have a lovely week - Year One Team

Monday 18th December

We have made it to the final week of a very busy, but fun, term! We are so proud of how well the children have approached all the topics and challenges and we look forward to a fun final week.

Monday - The final P.E. session of this half term.


Tuesday - Breakfast with Santa


Wednesday - Christmas dinner day.


Thursday - Talent Show / Christmas Party.  Children may come in party clothes but please ensure children wear sensible shoes as they will still be going out to play.  There is no P.E. today.


Friday - Children can come to school in something 'Christmassy' and children are welcome to bring in a non-electrical, not expensive toy to play with and share with their classmates during the afternoon.  Please ensure that it has their name on. 

Payment for the Mansfield Museum trip in January is due today. 


There were no spellings to learn last week and will be non to send out this week. Please refer back to previous spellings should you wish to practise with your child. Getting them to write the word within a simple sentence will be a great help. 


There will not be a guided reading book issued this week.


For the next half term, P.E. sessions will be on a Monday and Friday.


We break up on Friday for the Christmas holidays. Please note school reopens on Monday 8th January 2024.


Can we take this opportunity to thank you for your support during the term and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


The Year One Team 


Monday 11th December

We cannot believe we only have two weeks left of this term and what a fun two weeks we have planned. 


It was lovely to see so many of the children at the Christmas Fair - thank you for supporting school.  A huge congratulations to Rowan who won the giant teddy bear.    Raffle tickets are still available to purchase up until the end of Thursday if you want to be in with a chance of winning one of the nine wonderful hampers. 


We must also congratulate so many Year One children who entered and won a prize for the Ashfield Charity Christmas Card competition - well done all, the designs were brilliant! 



The nativity is this Thursday.  All tickets that parents have requested have been honoured, including those who requested additional tickets. 

Please can you ensure that any clothing that has been requested to be sent in must be in by Tuesday please. Can they be sent in, in a bag with their name on.


There will be no P.E. on Thursday due to the two nativity performances or next Thursday due to the Christmas party. It will continue for the  Monday session.  


Breakfast with Santa / Christmas Party:

Payment for this is due, via Scopay, by  this Friday 15th December.


Mansfield Museum:

The payment for the trip to Mansfield Museum in January is due to be paid by Friday 22nd December via Scopay.


Can we please ask for any socks that were borrowed last week due to the wet weather be washed and returned as soon as possible so we always have a good stock in school.  


Many thanks

The Year One Team. 


Tuesday 5th December

Apologies for the late update.  This week we are continuing with Little Red Riding Hood as our story. We are also busy practising for the Nativity which is coming together lovely.  Please continue to help your children learn their lines.


This week...

Wednesday - straight after school in the Community Room and Dining Hall it is the Christmas Fair.  Please bring small change.  


Thursday - Christmas Jumper Day. Children are still to come to school in their P.E. kit but are allowed to wear a Christmas Jumper if they wish. 


Please can we remind parents that glass bottles should not be sent to school as their drink or in their packed lunch boxes.


Have a great week! 

The Year One Team.




Monday 27th November

It was lovely to meet with you last week for Parent’s Evening. Thank you for coming.


What a rainy start to the week! Please ensure that your child has a warm coat to go out to play in and if they bring hats and gloves, please ensure these are named.


This is the start of the busy last few weeks of term starting with our trip to Sundown. Mrs Hinchley’s class are going tomorrow, and Mrs Hounslow’s are going on Thursday.  Please ensure that if your child has any prescribed medication such as an inhaler, that this is sent with your child and given to Mrs Hayes on arrival. Please refer to the information sheet sent home last week for additional information.


If anyone else would like to enter the ‘Elf on the Shelf’ competition, you have until Wednesday morning as a winner will be drawn during Wednesday afternoon.


Today, we have sent home a nativity letter regarding ticket allocation. Some letters will have a sheet attached to them asking for any clothing to be sent in for their costume. Not all have one so please do not worry.


Have a great week!


Monday 20th November

This week we are reading The Three Little Pigs in English and continuing with subtraction in maths.  The children are well underway with learning their songs for the nativity and we are just finalising parts. Any words your child will need to learn will be sent home this week, please help them to learn these at home.  More information on tickets for this event will be out soon. 


This week you will receive a letter about the Christmas events being run in school including the 'Breakfast with Santa' event.  You will also get a reminder letter about the Sundown trip taking place next week. 


Just a polite reminder that the fee for the trip to Mansfield Museum is due by the end of this half term. 


We are looking forward to speaking with you all during the Parent's Evening meetings taking place this week. 


Have a great week!



Monday 13th November

This week we are reading The Enormous Turnip in English and starting our subtraction topic in Maths.

Just a few reminders:

  • PE for this half term is now on Mondays and Thursdays.
  • Wednesday (15th) is individual school photo day.
  • Friday (17th) is wear something spotty for Children in Need - a separate email has been sent about this.
  • Parents' Evening is next week - thank you if you have already returned your slips - there are still some slots available, please feel free to come and book an appointment with your child's teacher. Appointment times will be sent out to you this week.
  • Snacks for playtimes are optional and should be healthy no chocolate, crisps or nuts please. These will be given back to your child to bring home at the end of the day.

Have a lovely week.


Tuesday 7th November

Welcome back!  We trust you all had a great half term break.  Your children came home with a few letters all stapled together with this half terms newsletter.  We appreciate there is lots going on - it is always a busy half term, but a fun one!


Please can you ensure that the Sundown reply slip is returned by Friday 10th November. 


P.E. commences on Thursday with Mr. Halfpenny.  It will continue on a Monday as normal. 


We have had a few children coming into school wearing inappropriate footwear and large hair bands / bobbles.  Please refer to the school uniform policy as these are not to be worn. 


Have a great week!


Monday 16th October

We cannot believe it is the last week of the first half term.  It has been a great start with all the children looking brilliant and all so different.  Thank you for all the effort and time you have spent getting costumes prepared and more importantly, helping your child to learn about who they were going as.  All the children were able to tell us, then write something about their chosen person.  They are all looking forward to learning about Guy Fawkes tomorrow - full uniform as normal please.


Towards the end of last week, your child should have come home with a Sundowne trip letter and their personalised Christmas Card leaflet.  Please take note of the dates on the paperwork that these need to be returned / paid for. 


Information for the rest of this week...

Wednesday 18th - 'All About Me' projects are due in.

Thursday 19th - From 2:30pm parents are welcome to come into share and celebrate the different projects. 

Friday 20th - Non-uniform day in exchange for something 'red' for the Christmas hampers.


Can we just remind you of the P.E. uniform policy as we are having children still wearing earrings or not covering them up and wearing brightly coloured leggings. 


All library books need to be returned on a Friday and school reading books on a Monday so that they can be changed.  Can we also ask that you date each new week in their reading diaries as it makes it easier for the children to find the correct week when carrying out spellings. 


School closes on Friday at 3:15pm and reopens on Tuesday 6th November at 8:45am.


Have a wonderful half term if we don't speak to you beforehand.


Monday 9th October

We hope you all had a lovely weekend.  It is hard to believe we are coming towards the end of this first half term already. 

A couple of reminders for this week...

-Please ensure that everything owned by your child is named.  

-Please return any disco money and slips by Tuesday 10th October.

-Please return any consent forms for the trips by the end of this week.

-The school disco is straight after school on Wednesday until 4:45pm. Children will be picked up from their classrooms. 

-We would welcome any donations (baked or shop bought) of cakes / biscuits for the Macmillan Coffee Morning. The donations can be sent in on Thursday.

-Friday 13th, the Macmillan Coffee Morning is on until 10:30am.  Please enter through the school's main reception. 


Reminders for next week...

Monday 16th - dress up as a historical person.  Please ensure that your child knows who they are and can tell us something about them.  No P.E. kits needed today.

Tuesday 17th - Mansfield Museum are coming into school to talk about Guy Fawkes. Full school uniform to be worn. 

Wednesday 18th - 'All About Me' projects are due in.

Thursday 19th - From 2:30pm parents are welcome to come into share and celebrate the different projects. 

Friday 20th - Non-uniform day in exchange for something 'red' for the Christmas hampers.


Have a great week! 


Monday 2nd October

Our topic this week is 'Pets' and in Maths we are learning about the number line and ordering numbers. Just a few reminders about upcoming events:

  • Wednesday this week is our MFL day - Children can come to school dressed in the colours of the French flag (red, white or blue). We will be tasting baugette, brie, crossiants, pain au chocolate and making crepes. We have some gluten and dairy free mix for the crepes but if your child has allergies you may wish to send in extra items for them to taste along side this.
  •  Our Halloween Disco is on the 11th October - please return your slips and payment if you wish your child to attend.
  • On Monday the 16th October we are asking children to come dressed as someone from the past as a fun start to our history week.
  • On Tuesday the 17th October we have a visit from Mansfield Museum who will be coming to school to do a Guy Fawkes workshop with the children - a letter regarding this will be coming out this week.
  • We hope your 'All About Me' projects are going well and look forward to welcoming you all into school on Thursday 19th October to share these with you.
  • Our PTA are getting ready for our Christmas Hampers and are asking for Year 1 to donate red items for the Hamper this year. In exchange for red items children can come to school in non-uniform on Friday 20th October.
  • The weather is still as unpredictable as ever. Please ensure that your child comes to school with their coat. 


Monday 25th September

This week our topic is 'Our Homes'. Thank you if you have already sent in or emailed a picture of your child's house to us ready for them to use in class. In Maths, we are learning about comparing groups of objects and amounts using greater and less than and their corresponding symbols.


PE is on Mondays and Fridays this half term - please can you ensure that any earrings are removed for these days.


Our Modern Foreign Languages day is on Wednesday 4th October - Children can come dressed in the colours of the French flag - red, blue or white or a combination of these. 


Please feel free to come and speak to us if you have any questions.


Monday 18th September

This week is all about our families - the children will be drawing and writing about the people they live with. In maths we will be focusing on finding one more and one less of a given number.


In preparation for next weeks topic on our homes - could you please send in or email us a photo of your child's house ready for them to draw a picture of it - thank you in advance.


A letter will be coming home this week regarding our dress up day in October where we would like each child to come in dressed as someone from history as a starter to our history lessons on Guy Fawkes.


Spellings can be found at the bottom of the homework letter that is sent home each Friday (also added to our homework tab on our website) - There are five tricky word spellings to learn that your child will then write in their home school books as part of our spelling quiz the following Friday in class. Please leave this section blank ready for them to use in class.


Everywhere Bear - Each Friday a child will be chosen to bring home their classes Everywhere Bear along with his diary to log the adventures he has been up to. This can be photos, drawings or a short note. He then needs to be returned on Monday so he can share his adventures with the class.


Monday 11th September

Your children have made a fantastic start to the year and are settling in to Year One well. Last week we started our All About Me topic and the children are painting their portraits for display and writing about themselves. 

This week we are recapping our Phonics learning from Reception and counting, sorting and representing numbers to 10 in maths. Our topic this week is all about our five senses.

A few reminders:

- Meet the Teacher - This Wednesday after school please feel free to drop in after school and have a look around your child's classroom. This will be an informal chance to meet and hopefully we can answer any questions you may have about life in Year One.

- please look out for a letter tomorrow introducing our All About Me homework project (One will also be added to our Yr 1 information tab).

- please remember to remove your child's earrings on PE days.

- Reading books will come home on Wednesday please return these to school on the following Monday.

- Children can change their library books on Fridays.

- Phonics homework sheet will be sent out each Friday (a copy can also be found on our Yr 1 Homework tab). At the bottom of the sheet will be next weeks spellings for your child to learn for the following Friday.


If you have any questions - please feel free to come and see us or send us an email.

Have a lovely week, hope to see you on Wednesday,

The Year One Team.

Autumn Half Term Newsletter


