Weekly News:
Every Thursday we will update this section of the website with the weekly news for Year 1/2.
Thursday 5th December:
The children continue to work really hard practising for the nativity and it is coming together really well - we are so proud of the children for learning their lines and knowing where to go on stage. We are looking forward to you seeing it next week. All tickets have now been issued and so have the additional tickets. Tea / coffee /mince pies and raffle tickets will be available at each performance.
The Christmas Card fundraising orders have been distributed and a letter regarding Breakfast with Santa and the Christmas Party has gone out also this week.
The Key Stage One Team.
Thursday 28th November:
The children are working really hard practising for the nativity. Please can the children continue to practise their lines as we would like the children to start rehearsing without their scripts next week.
Nativity tickets will be sent home today for those parents who have returned the letter. However, we have had two slips returned without a child's name on so if you think you should have received tickets today then please speak to Mrs Staples or Mrs Hayes. The deadline for the first set of two tickets is Monday 2nd December. Additional tickets will be allocated towards the end of next week.
Please can we ask parents to check their spam folders for any emails as we have had reports that any sent from a class teacher seem to be going in there.
We have also had a few parents state that children did not come home with their hats from the Newstead Abbey trip. Non were left on the bus so please can we ask that you check your child came home with the correct hat.
The children really enjoyed the disco this week and the DJ commented how well behaved they were.
Information sent home this week:
Nativity tickets
Hamper raffle ticket letter
Movie Night and Christmas Trail letter and
Costume slip for the nativity. (this will be sent on Friday)
The Key Stage One Team.
Thursday 21st November:
What a topsy turvy week we have had! We started with a fantastic trip to Newstead Abbey where all the children looked wonderful dressed up – thankyou for the time and effort, it really did help shape the day and give the children a small taste of a Victorian lifestyle.
We then had a snow day and the children have been telling us about all the fun they had building snowmen and having snow ball fights. Please ensure the children continue to come to school wrapped up warm for the cold weather we are experiencing. The snow also caused a delay to the flu vaccinations being given. This will be rearranged - please look out for a message from the office.
The nativity rehearsals are underway. Please can we ask that children come to school each day with their scripts. Your child should have come home with a letter today about the nativity tickets. Please ensure this is completed and returned to us by December 2nd.
It was nice to meet many of you for parents' evening this week. Tomorrow is non-uniform day in exchange for a ‘green’ item for the Christmas hampers - thank you in advance for your kind donations.
The Key Stage One Team.
Thursday 14th November:
The children in Year 2 have all worked really hard this week during assessment week and we have been really proud of them. The Year 1 children have been starting work on their acrostic poetry during literacy and all the children have completed a fact sheet on Queen Victoria and have found out lots of exciting things that happened during her reign.
Tonight the children have come home with a reminder letter about the trip to Newstead Abbey on Monday. Please ensure you take a look over it to familiarise yourselves. We have had confirmation today that Year 1 and Year 2 will have their flu vaccinations on Tuesday so this does not affect the trip.
It is Children in Need tomorrow and children are invited to come to school dressed up and with a monetary donation. We have had some super entries for the colouring competition! Well done to all those who have taken part.
Children who have a speaking part in the Nativity will have been sent home with their lines this week. Please help them to practise these at home.
A letter about the disco from PTA has also come home this week.
The Key Stage One Team
Thursday 7th November:
Welcome back. We trust you all had a great half term break. This is always an exciting, but very busy half term. There will be (and already has been) lots of information sent out this week. Please continue to check emails and the school webpage to keep up to date.
This week children will have come home with…
-A half termly newsletter
- A medical form for the trip to Newstead Abbey – due back on the 13th November at the latest please! Without this, your child will not be able to come on the trip with us.
- A parents evening letter from the teacher/s that take your child for their core subjects (Maths and Literacy.) Please return this ASAP. Appointments are allocated on a first come, first serve basis.
-A Pudsey Bear colouring picture if your child would like to decorate one and send in 20p. All proceeds will go to Children in Need.
- A letter from the PTA and a poster regarding coloured hamper donations. Apologies, the poster should have said Year 1/2 not just Year 2. Please can all children send in a green item.
No reading books have been issued this week. This will commence next week.
Year One children have now had their spellings sent home for the next half term. These will be uploaded onto the website for future reference.
The children all seem excited to be back as we have introduced our Queen Victoria topic this week and started preparations for the Key Stage Nativity.
As the weather turns colder please provide your child with a warmer coat and gloves, scarf and hat – all named please!
Have a great week
The Key Stage One Team.
Thursday 17th October:
This week the children have focussed on learning about Henri Matisse. They have all completed a drawing on one of his famous paintings 'The Goldfish' which will go on display in the classrooms and yesterday they completed a 'painting with scissors' piece of collage art work. They have all really enjoyed it and it has been lovely seeing them all be so creative and take great care.
We just wanted to thank you for all your support over this last half term and we look forward to meeting you all for parents evenings after half term - more information will come out on this once we return.
We break up for half term on Friday 18th October at 3:15pm and school reopens on Tuesday 5th November.
Have a great, safe half term
The Key Stage One Team
Thursday 10th October:
Thank you to those parents who were able to pop in and taste the children's soup yesterday - they were all very excited to have you in!
Can we please ask that you don't let your children play on the field before school. They are bringing mud into the classroom and on the floor which they then have to sit on.
Many thanks
The Key Stage One Team
Thursday 3rd October:
Thank you to those who have donated to the Harvest festival. The children celebrated with Reverend Hazel this morning in a special assembly.
Another big thank you to the wonderful homework that has been completed. It was a pleasure to look at and there were some thought out and creative ideas – well done! This week the children have started their DT work on planning their class soup and have carried out an experiment on getting rid of the germs (the herb Thyme) which was all over their hands. Please could we ask that each child donate one vegetable on Monday. Your child will bring a slip home with them tomorrow on what they have chosen to bring.
Next Wednesday we are inviting one parent from each family to come into school at 2:50pm to taste the children’s soup. We cannot accommodate more due to the size of the classrooms. Once inside the school main gates, a member of staff will meet you at the very top (round the corner) of the carpark. The top gate will only be open for 5 minutes before we have to close them again. We appreciate not all children will have an adult who can come, please don’t worry as we will work with or pair them up with another child.
Please can we ask that children only come to school with 1 snack. We have a lot of children bringing 2 and even 3 snacks in at break time and not having time to finish them.
Can we also remind parents that a new reading book will not be issued unless the previous one has been returned and your child has their reading diary in school for it to be logged.
Have a great week.
The Key Stage One Team
Thursday 26th September:
The children all looked fantastic dressed in blue, white and red celebrating France as part of our MFL day. The children have also carried out work on grouping and labelling in ICT and looked at 'belonging' and Baptism in R.E.
A letter will be coming home this week regarding our Christmas trip to Newstead.
Homework for 'The Healthy Plate' is due in on Monday.
Please don't forget that reading books must be returned on a Monday. Please have reading diaries in school everyday.
Many thanks
The Key Stage One Team.
Thursday 19th September:
This week the children have looked at identifying internal parts of their body and using their senses to carry out 5 fun activities. Year 2 continue their work on the book The Stinky Cheese Man and Year 1 are looking at the book Ruby’s Worry.
As we are sure you can appreciate, it is extremely busy at the end of the day. We would really like you to stand nearer to the door that your child comes out of as requested in the first newsletter that was sent home. It makes it much easier for us and the children to see their parents. Can we also ask that you do not keep waving at your child who is at the back of their line as it encourages them to move forward to leave and whilst we are still all trying to get to know faces, adds to our confusion – thank you.
Please note that children's reading books need to be returned on a Monday so that they can be used for other children. A new reading book will not be issued until the current one is returned.
Dates for next week:
Healthy eating creative activity –Homework to come home next week.
Thursday 26th September– MFL day, children are welcome to come in red, white and blue clothing for the day. We appreciate it is a P.E. day please ensure they are wearing trainers. Children will be given the opportunity to try the following: baguette, brie, jam, croissant and pain au chocolat. Allergies will be catered for.
New dates for the diary:
Wednesday 9th October – Soup tasting, parents are invited into school from 2:50pm.
Monday 18th November – Trip to Newstead Abbey – letter to follow.
Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th December Nativity Dates – 2 performances on the Wednesday and 1 performance on the Thursday morning.
Have a great weekend
The Year 1/2 team.
Thursday 12th September:
We have been so impressed with how well the children have settled into the school year and are learning their new and different routines.
It was lovely to see so many of you last night and we have just popped together a few answers below to some questions that were raised:
Home / School Diary:
Bee Moments:
-These are not continued in Year 1/2. However, we do still share certificates of achievements outside of school such as swimming, gymnastics etc.
-Reading books will be sent home after the child has completed their second read. Please ensure that the reading book is returned on a Monday morning.
-Library books can be exchanged on a Friday morning and returned the following Friday.
Spellings will be tested on a Monday. Year 2 children have had this sent home for this half term.
Year 1 will get them issued weekly starting from Monday 16th September.
Weekly / Half termly News:
The half term news will be sent home as a hard copy at the start of each new term and the first one was sent home last week. Please can you complete and return the pick-up form as soon as possible. Staff do not have time to look in individual bags each day, so ask that you give any forms to your child as they are coming into class or place it in their home-school diary.
All children will need a snack sent into school each morning. These need to be a healthy choice and crisps, sweets and chocolate bars will not be allowed. The milk and fruit for Year 1/2 is issued in the afternoon.
Please check your spam for any emails from class teachers.
Any questions please email your child’s class teacher.
Have a great weekend
The Year 1/2 team.