Wow - what a great week we have had at KWS this week......
World Book Day yesterday (Thursday) was amazing - the children and staff fully embraced this event and the costumes were brilliant. Well done everyone. You may spot some photos on the year group pages on the website.
Our drama group performed on stage at The Nottingham Playhouse on Wednesday in their scene from Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. We are extremely proud of the children and they made a very good impression with their talents in the performing arts.
We have had a number of sporting events this week with our children representing KWS so very well - our Yr6 Rowing Team earned themselves a Bronze Medal; our Boccia Team competed against a number of schools and competed well; our Netball Team played in an away match against Holly Hill last night and persevered through the damp weather. Well done to all involved.
It has been lovely to see so many parents/carers and family members joining their children for lunch this week. Look out for further dates coming soon.
And finally..........our Girls' Football Team play in the Midland Regional Finals tomorrow (Saturday 9th March) at Riverside Sports' Complex. We wish them the very best of luck - go for it girls.
I wish you all a lovely weekend.
Best wishes
Mrs Jones
Deputy Head Teacher