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Diary Dates


PE in Year 1 this term is on a Monday and Thursday

Children need to come to school dressed in their PE kits for this day. 

Please ensure their kit is labelled with their names. 


Please refer to the school uniform policy regarding what to wear. 

Please keep checking this page as dates will be added throughout the term.


July 2024

Monday 7th July  Children to come to school in leopard print or bright colours.  Trainers to be worn as children will still be doing P.E.


Tuesday 8th July Year 6 £2 challenge.  Children are invited to come and take part in the games and activities. Please send your child with small change for them to take part.


Thursday 11th July  Key Stage 1 Sports day is in the morning.


Friday 12th July Children to come in non-uniform in exchange for a chocolate item. 


Wednesday 17th July Meet the teacher.  


Wednesday 17th July The Summer Fair is straight after school. 


Monday 22nd July School reports go out.


Friday 26th July Last day of Year 1 before we break up for the summer holidays. 







