Assessment and Reporting
Assessment is an important as it helps us to understand the child's progress and support their needs. It also helps us plan inspiring activities that challenge the children and expands their knowledge.
From the day your child starts nursery we will create a ‘Learning Journal’ both online (See Saw) and a hard copy kept at school. The aim of these are to document your child’s time in nursery using photographs, observations and pieces of work. These will show your child taking part in activities that are linked to the seven key areas of learning and development that make up the Foundation Stage Curriculum.
When your child starts at our nursery they will have an online journal set up using a media platform called 'See Saw'. All consents and login information are given during the induction period. It is very important that Parents/Carers login to 'See Saw' so they can view their child's work. It is also used for Communication as Parents/Carers can message staff in Nursery privately.
If your child gains any certificates, swimming awards etc. outside of nursery then please feel free to send these in and we will celebrate their achievements with all the children. Parent's are also welcomed to complete 'Bee Moments' which are forms parents complete to show their child has achieved something outside of school. We will celebrate these at school and they go on display for a month before being filed in the appropriate Learning Journey.
Parent's are invited into nursery for 'stay and play' sessions where you will meet with one of the adults in the setting and we will issue you with your child's next steps (targets) and you can look through their hard copy of the Learning Journey. Please note; these can not be taken home.
At the end of the school year, those parents of children who are due to start school in the September, will be invited to celebrate their time in nursery at the end of the year graduation where your child's Learning Journey will be sent home.